A tin dish with mashed swede.
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An Easy Recipe for Mashed Swede (Neeps)

A festive plate of roast vegetables.
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Maple Soy Roasted Vegetables with Pecans

Potatoes Dauphinoise Featured Image
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Easy Creamy Vegan Dauphinoise Potato Recipe – A Luxurious Side Dish

Fried Okra in a large bowl
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Akri Bhindi (crisp Okra) – An unusual and delicious deep-fried snack

Spicy Cornmeal Okra
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Spicy Cornmeal Fried Okra

Pigs in Blankets featured image
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Festive Vegan Pigs in Blankets with a Sticky Maple Marmite Glaze

A plate of Boxty with a dip
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Vegan Boxty – Irish Potato Pancakes Recipe

Braised Brussels with Chestnuts
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Vegan Braised Brussels Sprouts with Chestnuts

Papas Arrugadas featured image
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Papas Arrugadas with 2 Mojos (Spanish Wrinkled Potatoes with 2 sauces)

Hasselback Potatoes served with chopped herbs
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Easy Hasselback Potatoes

Red Cabbage braised in a dish
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Vegan Braised Red Cabbage with Cherries – a classic festive side dish

Vegan Beetroot Knodel recipe
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Vegan Beetroot Knodel Recipe

A dish of bread stuffing
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Delicious and Simple Vegan Bread Stuffing

Green Casserole
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A deliciously light vegan green bean casserole

A dish of collard greens
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How to make Delicious Vegan Collard Greens

Sweet Potato Casserole topped with marshmallows
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Vegan Sweet Potato Casserole with Marshmallows

Creamy Vegan Pasta Salad
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Vegan Pasta Salad – Quick, Creamy and full of Hidden Veg!

Vegan Cold Spinach Dip
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Vegan Cold Spinach Dip

Sprout Tops
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How to Prepare Brussels Sprout Tops

Best Vegan Roast Potatoes
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Vegan Crunchy Roast Potatoes with Polenta and Thyme

Mashed Potato sprinkled with chives
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Perfect Vegan Mashed Potato

Mushy Peas
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How to Make Posh Vegan Mushy Peas

a bunch of raw salsify
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How to Cook Salsify

A bowl of Chantenay Carrots
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How to Make Vegan Vichy Carrots

Labneh with carrots on a plate

How to Make Vegan Labneh

How to Make Vegan Pilaf
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How to Make Vegan Bulgur Wheat Pilaf

An Easy Broad Bean and Pea Vegan Pesto Recipe
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An Easy Broad Bean and Pea Vegan Pesto Recipe

Sweetcorn Fritters
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Easy Vegan Zucchini and Corn Fritters Recipe Delicious and Gluten-Free